Like everyone else, I am totally on the Fifty Shades of Grey bandwagon. And I want to get in on all of the pretending-to-be-a-casting-agent hype.

What do we know about Christian Grey? Granted, I’m only about a third into the second book, so I don’t know everything that “we” know just yet. But what I know from the first book is that Christian is 27 years old, has coppery hair that he is always running his hands through, has grey eyes, is a gajillionaire with a dark side, and is wicked hot. With that, the candidates:

Ian Somerhalder
Age: 33
I feel like he comes up on all the lists. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been as excited about him. Also, most of his pics look too intense and a little too scruffy. But with pics like the one above, I’m warming up to the idea.

Matt Bomer
Age: 34
Hel-lo. See above.

Channing Tatum
Age: 32
Channing is usually in the not-so-deep beefcake role, but maybe he just needs a chance to show a little more depth. Plus, he’s got the hot thing down.

Alex Pettyfer
Age: 22
I’m gonna go ahead and just name the entire cast of Magic Mike. I don’t know much about this guy, but I’ve seen him on other “Who Should Play Christian?” lists. Shave the scruff and it could work.

Grant Gustin
Age: 22
He might be too young, especially with the Glee connection, but he can definitely pull off the sexy/naughty thing.

Colin Egglesfield
Age: 39
Intense eyes? Check.

These two have no chance but they look similar to what I picture when I’m reading.

Jason Kennedy
E! News Host
Age: 30
This guy popped up on a commercial while I was wrapped up in the first book and, basically, thought he was cute.

Nate Ruess
Singer, Fun.
Age: 30
The hair, the melancholy, the jawline. But a Google image search for this guy reveals that he may be more suited to an INXS biopic in his natural state. So stick to this video for the styling.

I’m not usually a cop show fan, but this show has enough sexy men to keep my attention.

1. Brandon Quinn

Character: Richie Kowalski – Abby’s brother, cop

Real Life:
Birthday: October 7, 1977
Height: 6’1″
Sign: Libra
Status: Married with kids

2. Andrew W. Walker

Character: John Brody – Richie’s cop partner, Abby’s booty call

Real Life:
Birthday: June 9, 1979
Sign: Gemini
Status: Engaged

3. Chris J. Johnson

Character: Danny Mitchell – lawyer, has a crush on Abby, she is inexplicably not interested…yet

Real Life:
Birthday: August 29, 1977
Height: 6′
Sign: Virgo
Status: Married

Looove Adele’s makeup look from the VMAs. Retro/classic/gorgeous done to perfection.



I know I’m a week behind on this, but how cute was Ames chasing after Jackie on Bachelor Pad? That may be the best Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad moment ever. Let’s rewatch, shall we? (The good part starts around 2:15)

1. JT and Jessica Biel are done-zo.

2. JT might be recording new music this summer! Finally.



Seriously, Us Weekly, if you have another Teen Mom cover I might have to gouge my eyes out. Enough.

Why is this still news? How many people actually know all of the words to the national anthem AND could sing them in front of a bajillion people? Come on.



Uhhh, no. The new Ken looks like a 14 year old girl in drag.

Jesse Eisenberg


How funny is he? I had no idea.

